Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 6, 2014

there is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family

In the 21th century, there is an increasing trend around the world  to have a small family rather than a large family. Why do they like to have a small family? Because there are some advantages of having a nuclear family, a family only have one or two children. These advantages is that you can bringing up their children in the best conditions and release the pressure on their shoulder.
If you have only one or two children, you will graduate your children better. You take care your children carefully about physical and spirit. Children is always have a lot question around them, they are curious about nature, people, emotion even sex. You can spend more time on them, talk to them,  listen their thought or emotion, help them to solve child's problems or questions. Parents are the best friend to help child develop completely.
Moreover, when you have a few child, you don't have a lot pressure of finance. The don't have to take a lot of job earn money to rise their family. You have much time for your family. Sometimes, you have some picnic for your family at weekend or you go out for eating or drinking. The atmosphere in your family is full of fun and happiness.
Besides, there are some disadvantages for their child. Due to the parent take care so much that they made them spoiled. They don't want to do anything and can't adapt themselves with difficulty in the life. However, they still want to have a small family in order to graduated their children in the best condition.

Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 4, 2014

What would you do if you had one million US dollars? (topic 12) week 13

        When I watched many people (special women worker) always to go alone in the park, at the party or at weekend; I felt deep compassion for them. Maybe she did not have enough material condition or she was too poor, did not have time and opportunity to communicate with everyone. She also had a dream or a hope to find out an idea husband, but finally she got married with someone who she did not love him at all. Due to the old-age-girl, her parent hurried them to get married as soon as possible and she felt herself need a shoulder to clean on when she feel exhausted and lonely
         From there, I have had a desire to do something meaningful in my life. Every time I buy some lottery tickets, I always wish, if I had one million US dollars, I would turn my dream come true. I will open a marriage guidance office. I will help people find a true love. A love that base on their true felling, not depend on money, position and others. In my heart, everybody has a right to find true happiness or to express your felling.
          First, I will open three offices: one in Ho Chi Minh, one in Da Nang, one in Ha Noi. Male (female) can come to talk directly to us, tell us about standards which she (he) wants her (his) man (woman) needs has. You know not only worker class but also intelligentsia such as doctors, teachers, engineers… come to us in order to find a wonderful love. I will create a web to introduce and expand my service. The busy people often surf web in the evening and at night can also access to my service. You can introduce yourself by filling the form online and accept some our terms and conditions. I hope someday you will come to my office if they need.
        Second, I will classify people into different groups in which has the same hobby, standard. You will have two chooses. One, you will take part in a picnic within two days (each week I will hold one group). You will be known her (his) name, the age, occupation, place… and you make friend with anyone you like. Another way, if you are not free, I will give you a list of persons, you can choose some person that you see  feel suitable, of course I have to ask her (him) whether she (he) agree to meet you or not. After that, I will arrange for them a private talk.
         Third, if for a time to make friend, they fall in love each other and they want to married. I require them to use my other services. Besides my marriage guidance offices, I also have wedding packet services:  wedding dresses, wedding photograph, organize a complete wedding….I need some money to keep alive our service.
        Finally, I want to talk with anyone who still alone, do not hesitate come with us. You do not hurry in married, come with us, we will help you find an idea husband. We will keep secret except you talk out. You know, our service free is very cheap, you do not worry about it.

Korean drama films (own topic 11) week 12

       In recent years, Korean drama films are flooding on Vietnam television screen. Why have they had extraordinary powers to draw the Vietnamese audience? What factors have made them success? I think beceause they have many good directors, close subjects in the life, attractive actors and actresses.

       I admire film directors. They are very wonderful film producers. Once I watched episode 1 of the film, I was always irresistible to stop. They made me wait what will happen next by new situations and "hang" back there. They created the story plot, unexpected turning point that made me fascinate in it. So that, I eagerly had a wait for the hour broadcast of my favorite film.

      A further account of the Korean filmmakers that is they knew to exploit resources of fashion, advertising. They combine between a film and commercials advertising - a very sweet way to advertise. Many company have invested or sponsored many films.

        Furthermore, subjects of the Korean film are very diversity and abundance that close with our life. They raised the hot issue of modern life with the concerns of young people like young man fall in love old woman, poor girls whose behaviors deserve to have love by rich man, nice legends such as The Frog Prince. Addition to, characters in movies behave each other in nice and clever ways. They produced the moving pictures that have humaneness and educational, sometime they make me frail heart sob.

       Other factors that I admitted beautiful and romantic scenes, nice outfit attracted the audiences. The South Korean filmmakers have invested carefully on the issue of actors, actresses costumes. They worn costume in fashion and full admire seeing of audiences. The actors and actresses are very young and all of them have spent a cosmetics surgery one or more in their life, special in rhinoplasty. When on form, who also cast its bright, eye-catching tall, profession in make up.

          Although, there was a period that Korean films have limited by authority, they also stand firm in the face of difficulties and increasingly developing day by day. Up still now they are favourite films in Viet Nam and many countries on over the world. I am also a fan of loving Korean film people. I love Korean drama film.

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 3, 2014

Would you prefer to study abroad or in Viet Nam? ( topic 10) week 11

               If expenses are not problems to me or if I have enough money, I will choose go aboard to study. Due to many things attract me, such as the cool weather, improvement in my English and chances of student to find good jobs after graduating from university. Addition, some of my friends who have live and study aboard, tell me that study aboard is very interesting special US, UK and Australia. You can earn money even though you are student.
           The first thing I love that is the cool weather. Special in US and UK, the weather is very cool. The good weather made me pleasure and comfortable. Some months the sun shines until 8pm, long-day, you can study and do many things.
         Another thing I am very interesting that is improvement in my English. Study aboard is the best way to learn a foreign language. If you compare a student learned English for ten years in Vietnam and overseas student in American, you will see the differences clearly. There is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a country that speaks the language you are learning. Everyday you must communicate with the native, so your skills also improve day by day.
           Finally, abroad students find that it is easy to get good jobs with high salary after graduating from universities aboard. While there are still many local students find that it is hard to get an appropriate job. Actually, in Viet Nam almost companies and enterprises are always foreign company. They like to seek employees beside their majors, they also require language skills. Thus, candidates graduated from foreign universities will be gain the upper hand.

            In conclusion, if you get a scholarship to study aboard, do not give it up. If you worry about expenses, you can do something for living in weekend. In developed countries, you can find a job easily. And after you graduated you are permitted to stay their country for two year to find a job with much high salary when you find a job in Viet Nam. If you are lucky or excellent you can be immigrated into their nation. That is a desire that almost people want.

Do you think modern people are more intelligent than the ancient?( topic 8)

            I am not sure the modern people are smarter than the ancient people, because IQ depends on each person. May be it depends on gen (himself/herself) or nurturing environment. If I bring the gen elements to compare, I can also not have an exactly answer. And if the nurturing factors, I can give you an answer. That is the present people are more intelligent than the past people. In my experience they are smarter because they live in the nurturing environment better, material facilities better, education better.
           When I observed children in my house, I recognized that they are more intelligent than I at the same age. May be they drink milk which its ingredient have DHA and essential vitamins for their body. Beside milk they also eat the foods which rich nutrients and their parents bring up them carefully because they only have one or two baby.
           Addition, today-material- facilities are better and more modern than them in the past.  Smartphone and internet help people easy to access new information, modern technology and large knowledge. From that point, they can hoard much experience in their life and they continue create new products.
         Finally, I think that the best important things that made the person become more intelligent that is education. Today- people have received the best education. Because Government in over the world has high appreciated the value of knowledge. They have invested much in education. They don’t hesitate to send someone go aboard for studying to get new knowledge, after that, they use the new technologies apply in their life and work.
             As you know, human is the best intelligent species. Each generation had talented person. In ancient you did not miss that is the Great Wall of China, The Taj Mahal, Stonehenge… Sometime you wonder how they can do that, you admired them and say they were actually very intelligent. In the present you can see some breakthrough about internet and digital (ATM, camara…). I just want to say that “The ancient people are as intelligent as the modern people”.

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 3, 2014

(topic 7) One good turn deserves another? (my topic) (week 8)

                  Nowadays, people are more and more cool and neglectful. Good person are becoming extinct. Wonderful person likes Mother Teresa is not many.  Whenever I meet someone who is genuinely kind, I have a desire to preserve them in a museum somewhere- The Nice Person Museum.
              I was born in a Christian family. I often go to Church. Pastors always faithful advice is that "do as Giesu had done, please". God had left some his advices for Christian in summary of “The ten commandments”: do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie, do not cover… Giesu actually is a wonderful gentleman by his behaviors and his preachments. He proved his words by his action and his life. At that time I always tell myself I will be a wonderful person.
             Addition, when I go to school, I was also taught ethics. They taught me how to be a kind person. They told me some story about "The good person and good job". The nice person often receives some rewards and everyone respects him and the bad person often has a bad result in the life. In Vietnamese proverb has the sentence “One good turn deserves another “. I believed that I am a good and I will receive a reward in the future.
           But when I grow up and had a lot of experience in my life. As I saw a good person, I often make friend with them and admire them by their good behaviors. For a long time I recognized that they affected me deeply and hide their dark intention inside them. My gift that I received was a pain in soul. I always pray for them and hope someday they will change their style of lives. But my hope turned hopeless day by day. I always asked myself why they do that, they are human not a stone. Why they can treat with me as if they don’t have a heart.
              Throughout a time I felt very disappointed about human and I draw a result “I will not be a good person more. I will never believe them any more”. This thought had extinguished only after a year. Because I witnessed the consequence that the bad people had suffered and I felt sorry for them. Finally I return with my primary idea is that I will be a good citizen. I always believe that there are heaven and hell. Remember the proverb “What goes around comes around” because it is always right in all case. Do you think so?

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 2, 2014

( topic 6) What is interesting about Sai Gon city? (week 7)

       "I love Sai Gon"  is a sentence that most of people in Viet Nam want to say. Why Sai Gon is a place that attract everyone to come with it? Because it is a wonderful and interesting city. There are interesting people, variety of about dishes and a lot of big shops, supermarkets  in Ho Chi Minh city.
        Sai Gon people always are sociable and fun. They not only don't distinguish between regions but also friendly. If you're a distance to live in Saigon, you will easily fit in with the people here. Because they always greet you in a natural and polite way. Sai Gon people are also enthusiasm to help others including people that are not familiar. If you are lost, do not hesitate to ask for directions. They will direct in detail and you can follow them if they are going on their way.
        Saigon is the convergence of all elite culinary regions. From the savory food such as Hanoi, bun bo Hue, Quang noodles, ... to snacks like cake mix, white tea segment, wrap and rolls, lemon tea, ... are in here. So just ask a knowledgeable Saigon person, you can enjoy the fullness of dishes without going round the country.
        If you like to go shopping, Sai Gon is a shopping paradise, you can buy anything with any price, from normal  to luxury items. You can also buy product online, you can order through internet and they deliver at home following your address that you supply to them.
        I am fond of to be a  Sai Gon citizen. I like to live here by its convenience. Sometime I felt fed up by its crowded,  traffic jam. Any way I really like Sai Gon. I love Sai Gon.

( topic 5) What makes successful people more successful? (week 6)

      How to become a successful people? how do you more and more success day by day?
      According to my mind, the answer is you have a clearly objective in your life and you are burning to turn it becoming the truth.
     To know what you want, you should answer these following question:
1. What do I love? 
     First you have to define clearly "What the best job do you love?  What thing did you desire to do when you a child? what field do you good at?
2. Write your aim in the paper.
    If you don't write a plan for your target to the specific, it will only a dream for yourself. In order to your dream become true, you have to a plan clearly, specific, reality, practical and high feasible. Sometimes you should brave to do it and accept its risk.
3. Define the best method  to do it.
    First, you should do it in short-term, after that you will it in long-term.
   You should find someone who can help you in finance and cooperate with them.
4.  Find some consultants.
    The consultant may be your father, your mother, one of your friends or any person who has a lot of experience. Those will point out your strong-point and weakness. From there, which field you should invest in and should do to end until you success.

Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 2, 2014

(topic 4) Wish to Lived in a Developed Country.(week 5)

            People often have a dream or a wish when they felt desperate in mind and in their life. They really want to do something but they can not because there are a lot of reasons. Many Vietnamese young people have discovered a place that will be better, happier, less worried in the future. They want to live and work at the developing- developed -country. Some others like to immigrate at developed countries such as: American, Australia, UK...Because on the developed country, policies on social security are very good. They made them feel to secure in their lives and the value of  human is also raised.
           Firstly, we have to say about the polices for children. The children from 0 to 16 years old will be funded by Government. They are supplied milk and food everyday. When they go to school, their parents don't worry about the school free. And if they are ill , they don't have to pay the hospital expenses or examine free. They can use means of transport free.
           Secondly, we should talk about the polices for adult. When you grow up, you want to go to the university but you can't effort for the free of university, you can borrow the money from the government budget. when you go to work, you can choose the job you like. You will receive with the worth salary. with your salary, you can easy to buy a house, a car and something it is necessary in your life. Unfortunately, you don't have work, you will received the workless money. This leads is that you don't worry about tomorrow or future, you will eat what or wear what, so you won't have much pressure in your work. You feel comfortable in work and in life.
           Thirdly, when you became old, you can't work, government will breed you. Each month you will receive a sum of money to spend in your life. You will not worry about "economic". You don't have to depend on their children. And you will be free, comfortable and happy.
           In Viet Nam , there are not many social security policies for human. Vietnamese people don't have a lot of opportunity to develop completely. Because Vietnam is a poor nation, still lack facilities. I think that government should have strategies about economic and Human. In order to young Vietnamese people don't go far from their homeland.
           Everyone are wish that they didn't much worry about future, money. You will feel very happy in work, in family, in love....At that time you will be dependent on money.  You can be yourself that is the thing anyone is like.

Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 1, 2014

( topic 3) Do you think learning through video is good? (week 4)

          Whenever you make a decision, you have to think about it carefully. Each problem has the ways to solve it. And if someone asks me “Have you ever learned something through video? And what do you think about it?” I will answer yes, I have. And I love it so much because of its convenience.

           Firstly, if I can not go to class frequently or I am busy, I can ask my friends to record the teacher' lecture on class and watch it anytime I am free. You will not lost lessons and of course I can get the important information like other students. After I watch it but I don’t understand something, I can ask your teacher in the next lessons.

          Secondly, I think that leaning through video is draw me very much by the live imagine by which I am easy to learn and more remember the lesson. Moreover, video-teaching-learning materials are designed selectively and very nice, from many grades and according to topic in order to spectators can easy to receive salutary information.

           Thirdly, with the exploring of internet, I can refer to many material sources on over the world through internet. Special, I can access to civilized and interesting researches. I am easy to find out the lessons suit to me, help me understand my lesson. I can also buy VCD, CD at Book stores. There are a lot CD, VCD for me to choose.
            Finally, Video has helped me in ability to acquire my lesson more and more. I don't need spend too time to discover it special in practical example in technology, assemblage. However it also have some restrictions such as: spend time too hours on screen, I will be increased of vision, hearing (use ear-phone). Sometime, video can not transmit or instruct everything like a book or a lecture or if I don't understand some details in video, I could not ask teacher directly. Anyway I think that learning through video is helpful.

Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 1, 2014

(topic 2) The Second-Degree-Achieving Students' Lives (week 3)

           How to recognize the first –degree- students or the second-degree-students? I think it is rather easy to recognize them through their lives. They have many particular characteristics and the specific purposes that I think they will succeed in their life.
Almost, the aim of the second –degree- students for learning is want to change the job that they dislike. They are disgusted with their present job. They think that they had chosen wrong job. That is the reason and the target when they are students again.
            The lives of the second-degree-students are very busy. They not only go to school but also often do something for living. They often go out their house at 7 AM and return home at 10 PM. They have 6 hours for sleeping, 8 hour for working, 4 for studying and only 6 hours for entertainment, toilet, eating…
          Thinking a bright future, they have to learn very hard. They have to spend a lot of time to do their homework and study themselves at home. They have to prepare material to present according to their teacher. Thus, they have to study together and this spends rather time to do this. Besides, they have to read many book and search on the internet to get information for studying.
            Moreover, they have to spend the time to learn a second language if you choose the second degree is language. For this, they have to attend a foreign language course in weekend and they have to do their best to learn two foreign language.
             I think that it is worth to do that. The more they work hard to get it, the more they receive the worth its. Because if a work that someone can’t do but you can, maybe you are a hero in that field and you have a position in work and your society. You will improve and develop in the future.

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 1, 2014

Internet and Me (topic 1) week 2

          Every passing day, there is a new product to be launch. Its birth is a result of the demands and requires of society by which is the aim of product-company. The development and improvement of new technology about Internet has greatly improved my life and work. It has led to a faster, easier, and convenient in my life and work.

              In my work, the rise of the internet technology has improved our daily lives in very many ways. The world business and trade has became very fast, easier. I  can now transact business with a person who is very far from me without any difficulties. I can send and get messages and information to partners only in a few seconds, easy and quick to upload the latest information and news that I can receive all of them right away even if they are extremely far away from me. Also I can buy and sell my product online through internet. It is very useful for my work.

            In my life, I usually surf on the internet for 4 hours to get information and entertainment . I can use internet to communicate with my friends, parents, and even strangers from all over the world. I can study anything I want such as: language, maths, make up, hair, draw…and also search important information for my study. And when I want to relax or see a interesting film on television that I missed it yesterday, I  can search on the internet and  enjoy it anytime I am free. And I also can watch the new films, interesting films which haven’t broadcasted on TV.

              It is hard to measure how internet benefits in my life and work. Because it really gives me a pretty convenient and comfortable in my life. It is useful in my work. I can’t do better without it. Internet is so important for me that I cannot imagine the life without internet.