Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 1, 2014

( topic 3) Do you think learning through video is good? (week 4)

          Whenever you make a decision, you have to think about it carefully. Each problem has the ways to solve it. And if someone asks me “Have you ever learned something through video? And what do you think about it?” I will answer yes, I have. And I love it so much because of its convenience.

           Firstly, if I can not go to class frequently or I am busy, I can ask my friends to record the teacher' lecture on class and watch it anytime I am free. You will not lost lessons and of course I can get the important information like other students. After I watch it but I don’t understand something, I can ask your teacher in the next lessons.

          Secondly, I think that leaning through video is draw me very much by the live imagine by which I am easy to learn and more remember the lesson. Moreover, video-teaching-learning materials are designed selectively and very nice, from many grades and according to topic in order to spectators can easy to receive salutary information.

           Thirdly, with the exploring of internet, I can refer to many material sources on over the world through internet. Special, I can access to civilized and interesting researches. I am easy to find out the lessons suit to me, help me understand my lesson. I can also buy VCD, CD at Book stores. There are a lot CD, VCD for me to choose.
            Finally, Video has helped me in ability to acquire my lesson more and more. I don't need spend too time to discover it special in practical example in technology, assemblage. However it also have some restrictions such as: spend time too hours on screen, I will be increased of vision, hearing (use ear-phone). Sometime, video can not transmit or instruct everything like a book or a lecture or if I don't understand some details in video, I could not ask teacher directly. Anyway I think that learning through video is helpful.

Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 1, 2014

(topic 2) The Second-Degree-Achieving Students' Lives (week 3)

           How to recognize the first –degree- students or the second-degree-students? I think it is rather easy to recognize them through their lives. They have many particular characteristics and the specific purposes that I think they will succeed in their life.
Almost, the aim of the second –degree- students for learning is want to change the job that they dislike. They are disgusted with their present job. They think that they had chosen wrong job. That is the reason and the target when they are students again.
            The lives of the second-degree-students are very busy. They not only go to school but also often do something for living. They often go out their house at 7 AM and return home at 10 PM. They have 6 hours for sleeping, 8 hour for working, 4 for studying and only 6 hours for entertainment, toilet, eating…
          Thinking a bright future, they have to learn very hard. They have to spend a lot of time to do their homework and study themselves at home. They have to prepare material to present according to their teacher. Thus, they have to study together and this spends rather time to do this. Besides, they have to read many book and search on the internet to get information for studying.
            Moreover, they have to spend the time to learn a second language if you choose the second degree is language. For this, they have to attend a foreign language course in weekend and they have to do their best to learn two foreign language.
             I think that it is worth to do that. The more they work hard to get it, the more they receive the worth its. Because if a work that someone can’t do but you can, maybe you are a hero in that field and you have a position in work and your society. You will improve and develop in the future.

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 1, 2014

Internet and Me (topic 1) week 2

          Every passing day, there is a new product to be launch. Its birth is a result of the demands and requires of society by which is the aim of product-company. The development and improvement of new technology about Internet has greatly improved my life and work. It has led to a faster, easier, and convenient in my life and work.

              In my work, the rise of the internet technology has improved our daily lives in very many ways. The world business and trade has became very fast, easier. I  can now transact business with a person who is very far from me without any difficulties. I can send and get messages and information to partners only in a few seconds, easy and quick to upload the latest information and news that I can receive all of them right away even if they are extremely far away from me. Also I can buy and sell my product online through internet. It is very useful for my work.

            In my life, I usually surf on the internet for 4 hours to get information and entertainment . I can use internet to communicate with my friends, parents, and even strangers from all over the world. I can study anything I want such as: language, maths, make up, hair, draw…and also search important information for my study. And when I want to relax or see a interesting film on television that I missed it yesterday, I  can search on the internet and  enjoy it anytime I am free. And I also can watch the new films, interesting films which haven’t broadcasted on TV.

              It is hard to measure how internet benefits in my life and work. Because it really gives me a pretty convenient and comfortable in my life. It is useful in my work. I can’t do better without it. Internet is so important for me that I cannot imagine the life without internet.